4/10 Water Issue Update

We will be doing Church service only for 4/11. Please see below for more details from Pastor Dan.

Hello Eden Church family and friends,

We are making great progress with our water situation. But, after Pastor Mark and I have discussed the details, we believe it is best to once again gather together this Sunday, April 11th for our 11:00 am in-person Worship celebration only. We did receive one all clear water test report yesterday, but the health department requires two such tests in a row and we did not receive any report at all today. Chances are good that the water is fine, but we cannot know that for sure. Things will again be a bit less than ideal. The restrooms inside the building work and may be used, however we recommend you use the hand sanitizer placed in each bathroom to clean your hands. The Christian Education classes may still meet online that morning, if they choose. Covid cases have heated up in Michigan once again with the latest wave, so we ask & remind everyone to please cooperate with the guidelines we have in place in an effort to protect those who are most vulnerable among us. Thanks everyone!


Pastor Dan